Latest Episodes
Your Heart’s Intuitive Guidance
Guest: Agapi Stassinopoulos, best-selling author and recognized speaker In this meaningful episode, Agapi Stassinopoulos, the author of Speaking with Spirit, and Add Heart® Podcast...
Resilience: The Power to Recharge and Reconnect to Our Heart Values
Guest: James O’Dea, author and former president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences What do you think of when you hear the word “resilience”?...
Integrity and Aligning with Your True Purpose
Topic: Adding heart to integrityGuest: Martha Beck At this time in our world, it seems that there is a global loss of integrity, and...
Your Brain is Always Listening
Guest: Daniel Amen, M.D., psychiatrist, author, founder of Amen Clinics Globally, mental health issues are on the rise. A new poll from the American...
The Scientific Impact of Global Compassion
Topic: Global Compassion/ Random Number generator data and findings Guest: Roger Nelson, Ph.D., director of the Global Consciousness Project and former Coordinator of Research...
An Awakening of Heart — A New Opportunity for Humanity
Guest: Howard Martin, Executive Vice President, HeartMath, Inc. During the pandemic, people re-evaluated their priorities and connected with deeper values regarding their relationships with...