Latest Episodes

Healthcare Workers Share Tools to Manage Stress & Fatigue
Healthcare workers around the world are selflessly putting themselves at risk as they treat patients affected by the coronavirus. In this month’s Add Heart...

Developing Heart Values in Children - 100,000 Coherent Kids Initiative
Now, more than ever, children need every advantage to access their heart’s intelligent guidance to effectively navigate through our ever-changing world. In this month’s...

The New Human Story with Gregg Braden
In his often repeated quote, Albert Einstein says, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” It’s now...

Lift Global Consciousness
It’s the holiday season — a time when people all over the world celebrate holidays and connect more with their hearts as they share...

Refresh and Amplify Gratitude
There are moments that draw our appreciation; acknowledgment for our efforts on a project, a warm smile from someone passing by, a surprisingly quick-moving...

Power Up Resilience
In today’s rapidly changing world, resilience is a must-have skill. Here at HeartMath, we define resilience as the ability to prepare for, recover from,...