How To Recharge Your Inner Battery

March 17, 2021 00:31:55

Show Notes

With spring just one day away, we thought it’s a great time to talk about how we can recharge and renew.

Each day we start out with a fresh charge to our personal energy – much like the battery in our phone. As we go through the day, we encounter many things that use up our personal energy.

Some situations drain our energy, such as heated conversations, worry over the people or situations we care about, frustration and impatience regarding projects at work, or issues in our personal lives.

How fast we run through our personal energy has a lot to do with our ability to recover and recharge our inner battery in real-time.

Our Add Heart Call guest this month is Rich Diviney, former Navy SEAL Commander and a HeartMath® Certified Trainer.

Rich and Deborah will talk about the unique and powerful recovery tools that Rich provides leaders to quickly recover and recharge their inner battery. He’ll share how he introduced his SEAL Team to “micro-recovery” using heart coherence skills to manage their energy and de-stress after being ramped up in a highly charged state.

Learn how you can apply these same skills to your own charged situations so you can take charge, recover, and renew before or after any stressful event.

Rich draws upon 20+ years of experience as a Navy SEAL Officer where he completed more than 13 overseas deployments – 11 of which were to Iraq and Afghanistan. Through his career, he achieved multiple leadership positions – including the Commanding Officer of a Navy SEAL Command. It has been this experience that has forged in his belief system that every human being has a purpose and the importance of heart powered energy management.

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