The Growing Trend of Adding Heart to Companies

March 17, 2021 00:29:56

Show Notes

The rise of employee stress has escalated to such a level that burnout is now classified as an occupational phenomenon according to the World Health Organization.

Talking about feelings or heart in a company used to be seen as weak or “touchy-feely”. Yet now we’re seeing an emerging trend – an opening of heart within companies. Mental and emotional health and the mind-body connection are becoming a critical part of a company’s overall wellness strategies.

Many companies are engaging in stress management programs that include exercise, yoga, mindfulness and meditation. Yet these programs take time and many employees don’t continue with them.

Robert Erdbrink, Director of HeartMath Benelux, is helping companies in Europe understand heart-mind-body connection and providing them with tools and technology they can use in the moment to reduce stress and burnout. The results are so significant that the entire Dutch police force has adopted this heart-based program.

Join us for this month’s Add Heart Call with Robert as our guest and our host, Deborah Rozman, Ph.D, President and CEO of HeartMath.

Robert will share inspiring stories of what the HeartMath Benelux team is achieving with companies and the opening of heart that is occurring in Europe.

Get a sneak peek – watch this video about what Robert and the HeartMath Benelux team are doing. Click Here

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