Stillness is an energetic quality that we can find – even in the midst of a busy day. It is a regenerative gift that only takes a sincere moment or two to access yet can change the course of our day.
When we connect with inner stillness, we create a space to declutter our mind and hear our heart’s intuitive guidance.
Stillness is an ancient practice, but so easy to dismiss in modern times. You’ve likely read about it in countless books and blogs as an important aspect of prayer or meditation. Recent scientific studies have validated the benefits of this ancient practice. Stillness allows us to truly know our self beyond our mind, thoughts and ego, it is also very beneficial to our brain’s health and has been found to generate new cells in the brain that are linked to learning and emotion.
In our September Add Heart Call, our host Deborah Rozman, HeartMath CEO, and her guest Robert Browning, Director, HeartMath Health Partners, will talk about why it’s especially important in an emotionally-charged and rapidly changing world to create space for inner stillness and how to do it.
The simple inner stillness practice they will share with you allows heart, mind and emotions to experience a time-out from competing against each other and enjoy some casual peace together.
They’ll talk about the gifts they personally gain from this practice and how it creates a personal sanctuary while on the go.
We will close the Add Heart Call with a heart meditation to create a reservoir of inner stillness we can each draw on as we practice this restorative energetic quality together over the next month.
“Inner stillness creates an energetic environment for supporting our advancing consciousness which can unleash the transformational power of our love – Doc Childre, Heart Intelligence: Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart
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