Interconnectivity – How We Are Connected to Each Other

March 17, 2021 00:33:55

Show Notes

Host Deborah Rozman with guest Robert Erdbrink – HeartMath BeNeLux.

We’re constantly exchanging unseen information with all living things through our thoughts, feelings and attitudes. Traditionally, during the summer months most of us spend even more time connecting with family, friends and nature. Learn how you can “Add Heart” to the unseen energetic exchanges you share with people and with nature. And how we can lift each other’s vibration and renew our connections with all of life.

Robert Erdbrink is Director of HeartMath Benelux and the father of three, ages 18, 20 and 23 and lives in Bunde in the South of the Netherlands.

Robert started his career with Unilever in the Netherlands and by the age of 28 was on the board of a large Unilever company, responsible for over 1000 employees. In 2000, Robert left to pursue his mission of bringing more heart into organizations and started HeartMath Netherlands, which grew into HeartMath Benelux, then along with Reiner Krutti he started HeartMath Germany. HeartMath Benelux received a contract to train all Dutch police officers and to date over 55,000 officers have been trained in HeartMath.

Find out what “Add Heart” means to Robert and some of the ways he adds heart to our world.

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