The Value of Pause for Creating Flow and Inner Balance

March 17, 2021 00:31:39

Show Notes

Host, Deborah Rozman and her special guest Jeff Goelitz, Director of Education at the HeartMath Institute.

Many of us learned the value of pause from our parents and even passed it on as wisdom to our children. However, as life’s demanding pace keeps increasing, the memory to pause often fades, especially when we are under pressure.

There are numerous situations where we sacrifice our well-being because we allow the hurry of life to usher us into quick decision and actions. Many times, this can cause us to miss our heart’s intuitive signal to pause before an important and sensitive engagement.

When we speed past flow – mentally, emotionally or physically – we become vulnerable to not listening to others, over reacting, speaking too soon and cutting other people off in conversation, and more inefficient choices.

In this call we talk about the value of Pause and we share suggestions on how to instate this valuable practice more often. We talk about how-to engage in the choice to Pause to create the most flow for restoring our inner balance and clear direction.

We close this month’s event with a heart-focused meditation to add heart power to our own and each other’s practice of Pause through the month. We energize our collective intention to release old habits that disconnect us from flow and increase our flexibility, resilience and personal empowerment.

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