How to Add Heart to Health

March 17, 2021 00:27:55

Show Notes

When it comes to our health or the health of someone we care about, it’s important to create an environment where heart qualities of care, kindness and compassion are part of our healing plan.

Our topic this month is Add Heart to Health, and our guest, Tim Culbert, MD, is Medical Director of Integrative Services, at Prairie Care Medical Group in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and co-founder of new website

Join Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., the host of our monthly Add Heart Calls, and her guest Dr. Tim Culbert, to learn new ways you can add heart to your health and the health care of others.

Dr. Culbert will talk about how he “adds heart” to his own personal wellness practices and how he teaches his patients, whether adults or children, to do the same, with amazing benefits.

Self-management skills and tools for increasing heart power and coherence give us a sense of control over our health journey and process.

Whether you are the patient, the family caregiver, or the health care professional, heart-intelligent strategies elevate our ability to care for and heal our self, our family or our patients from a foundation of love and compassion.

You’ll also enjoy learning about a growing community of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers who are committed to heart-based medicine and helping it to expand into a worldwide initiative.

We’ll close our Add Heart Call with a heart-focused meditation to increase the heart we’re adding to our own health and to the health of those we care about.

About Dr. Tim Culbert:
Dr. Culbert is a presenter for the HeartMath certification course for health professionals, called HeartMath Interventions. Tim is an expert in teaching self-regulation skills for anxiety and stress to adults and children. He co-created, with an interdisciplinary team, one of the first full service integrative pediatrics programs at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota where he served as Medical Director from 2001-2010. He is the author of four books for children on holistic self-care titled, Be the Boss of Your Body and developed innovative training in integrative therapeutics for nurses working in pediatric medical and mental health settings.

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