Add Heart Call Host Deborah Rozman and Her Guest, Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. Executive Vice President and Director of Research, HeartMath Institute.
The holiday season is here and many of us will be participating in family and social gatherings and celebrations. This is prime time to go deeper into our hearts to understand other’s concerns and amplify our care. Which is why this month’s topic is focused on Social Coherence.
Social Coherence is a harmonious alignment between friends, couples, family units, groups and organizations. Think of highly successful teams and how they pull together towards a common goal – there’s an efficient flow of energy and communication between them.
HeartMath Institute is researching the power of social coherence and seeing evidence of a positive feedback loop as individuals and groups intentionally create heart coherent energy fields, which increases our connections with each other.
Creating social coherence starts with taking responsibility for our personal energy. Deborah and Rollin will talk about how we can become more conscious of our own energies as we interact with others and resetting our energies when needed. Our love and compassion can then help to uplift others and add to our holiday events.
During the holidays, many people feel their heart’s care magnified and feel more kindness and compassion. But just as the holiday time can magnify these uplifting energies, for others it can also magnify down spiraling energy of anxiety, blame, judgement, and depression.
Our personal practice of heart coherence can have a more potent effect than we may realize to help uplift others. That’s why conscious monitoring of our personal energies is so important, especially in light of the societal temperament being in a heightened state of extremism and family gatherings where there can be polarizing views.
Rollin and Deborah will share their insights about social coherence to help us lift our vibration and help lift other’s energies too during this holiday time.
Deborah will close the Add Heart Call with a heart-meditation for social coherence. Together we’ll align our heart and mind and send compassion and love to family, friends and all people around the world his holiday season.
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