Transforming Insecurity and Creating Self-Security

March 17, 2021 00:28:44

Show Notes

All of us need care to thrive – whether we’re receiving or giving care – it is vital to our existence. The ability to express love through our care is one of the highest attributes we have. And like most anything, care has a balance point.

Whether it’s personal, family, social issues within our community, or global issues that affect us all, when our care turns into overcare or insecurity, our energy quickly drains. This hinders our ability to be effective, even when our intentions are to care.

Overcare often disguises itself as worry, fear, anxiety and more. Yet behind it is our real care. We can learn simple strategies with heart-powered intention to transform insecurity into self-security and overcare into balanced care. These strategies can also help us learn to consciously reduce the significance that we feed into worry and fear.

This is part of our emotional maturing process – learning the energy economy of creating self-security and balanced care.

In our October Add Heart Call, our host Deborah Rozman, HeartMath CEO, and her guest Owen Ward, HeartMath Chief Strategy Officer, will talk about creating self-security and transforming insecurity. They’ll share how balanced care has helped them become more attuned to intuitive intelligence to guide their choices in each situation.

We’ll close with a heart-meditation to align our heart and mind and connect with our balanced care as a replacement attitude for insecurity, worry and other forms of overcare.

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