Topic: Global Compassion/ Random Number generator data and findings
Guest: Roger Nelson, Ph.D., director of the Global Consciousness Project and former Coordinator of Research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory, Princeton University for over 20 years.
In this episode of the Add Heart® Podcast, host Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., and her guest Dr. Roger Nelson discuss the scientific impact of global compassion. Dr. Nelson’s Global Consciousness Project (GCP) maintains a series of data collection sites worldwide that monitor for indications of a global consciousness response to major world events. They found that during emotionally resonant major events the GCP data become internally correlated.
Events that embody or evoke compassion and love show statistically significant larger effects than other emotions. The more compassion evoked by the event, the larger the effect.
Dr. Nelson will share how these findings indicate that compassion is a powerful connecting emotion, more powerful than fear, and a bridge that’s connecting people globally—that we are all connected and the connecting fiber is compassion.
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