Raising Our Vibration to Access Our Higher Potentials

March 17, 2021 00:30:57

Show Notes

Thoughts and feelings are energies that operate on different vibrations. The vibration is determined by the quality of our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviors throughout the day.

Higher thoughts and feelings add an uplifting tone through our day. In our higher thought vibrations, we’re more caring, compassionate and kind with each other. We feel more self-secure and resilient in life’s interactions.

Lower vibrational thoughts and feelings bring us down. This results in unhappiness and feelings of separation from others due to judgments or blame. We worry more, experience low self-security and can be too hard on our self and others.

This month we’re focusing on ways we can intentionally raise our vibration to access more of our heart’s intuitive guidance through our creative endeavors and challenges.

In addition, we’ll close with a heart-focused meditation to add heart power to our own and each other’s practice through the month to help sustain our intentions and emotional poise.

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