The New Human Story with Gregg Braden

March 17, 2021 00:29:52

Show Notes

In his often repeated quote, Albert Einstein says, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

It’s now heart time on the planet, and individually and collectively, we have the opportunity to write the next chapter of what it means to be human.

This will be a story based on compassion, kindness, and a deep care for each other as well as our collective awakening.

Join Deborah Rozman, our Add Heart Call Host and HeartMath Inc.’s CEO, and her guest, Gregg Braden, author of Human by Design: From Evolution by Chance to Transformation by Choice. This book won the Silver Nautilus Book Award in Science and Cosmology, and his forthcoming book is called Awakening the Power of the New Human Story.

Gregg is internationally renowned as a pioneer bridging science, spirituality, and human potential.

Deborah and Gregg will talk about the new power we have to change the way we think about ourselves, our relationships, our purpose, and what it means to be alive at this time of exponential change. They will discuss why heart intelligence is key to rewiring human consciousness and reshaping our collective story.

We’ll close with a heart meditation to amplify our connection to our heart’s intelligence in the New Year. We’ll energize our individual and collective commitments to live more from the heart in 2020 and realize that we are co-creating the new human story.

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